Monday, July 07, 2008

How Dirty is Dirty?

Yesterday we went on a bike ride along the shores of Eklutna Lake. It was a bit damp with some showers for about the first two miles of the trail, but then it dried up. The sky was overcast, but there was no wind. We had a gorgeous reflection of the mountains on the turquoise lake.

We rode with another family, friends of Zoey's from Mighty Bikes. Besides having a fabulous daughter named Hannah who is Zoey's age, they have a nine year old daughter who can ride! She was great. Her name is Zoe, too. I didn't bring my camera on the ride, it was too bulky, so no pictures along the way.

Vivi rode on her sticked together bike and won the Dirtiest Biker Ever contest. Doesn't she look fantastic? A lovely patina of glacial silt can do wonders for the skin.

Tom is my hero for riding nineteen miles to the airstrip and back with a trail-a-bike and Vivi. We all rode the nineteen miles, just the rest of us did not have the add bonus bike and biker.

Believe it or not, all the clothes have come out sparkling! I was exceedingly doubtful when I started the washer, but have been pleasantly surprised.

This just in...our comrade-in-arms Gerry passed along these last three shots. We ALL enjoyed the ride.

I love how Vivi looks transcendent here. Despite all the mud she really enjoyed her ride. Thanks for the photos, Gerry and Kathy.


  1. Oh Trixie--too too cute. I love the mud splatters and the line up her back. Priceless!

  2. Holy moly. Did she get DRAGGED for 19 miles or what?
    : )
    She gets my vote for "Cutest Muddy Kid EVAH"!
    I am so proud that your whites didn't come out dingy. You domestic goddess, you.

  3. Ahhhh, nothing like good, clean fun!

  4. That would make a good Tide commercial.

  5. Dave beat me to it- It WOULD make a great Tide commercial! What a fun trip!!

  6. Wow, she is sooo cute. And peple ask me why I want our baby to be a girl....!

    The Broken Man

  7. G'day Trixie,
    Just wonderful. Brought back memories of a life long gone when the Gouldiae family used to trail ride down here in Oz. Actually, the way petrol, (er, gas), prices are going here, we might have to dust off the 'grids', (bikes), again.

  8. Poor little squirt--all covered in mud! Doesn't look it bothered her at all. Thanks for those great LOL pics Trixie.

  9. Great pictures -- and what a great outing. You are an inspiration, and I promise to post pics of some summer outing here in Montana on my blog.

    Also, thank you for the birthday wishes. How thoughtful! One more unexpected blessing.

  10. Thank God for mothers who allow, nay ENCOURAGE, their daughters to get dirty. Dirt will wash off skin and clothes, but fun times like that stick in the memory forever.

    Looks like a wonderful time was had by all!


  11. ha, this great :D miss you guys!

  12. No amount of mud can dim the radiance that is Vivi. She's like the Teletubbies sun-baby.

  13. Priceless! She could have the lead in a laundry detergent commercial.

  14. Oh my gosh! What a blast! When we were little, we loved getting if the level of filth was a direct measure of how much fun you were having. What a great memory for all of you. Maybe you can drag out those pictures to remind her who she really is if she ever gets to be a prissy teenager! :)

  15. Looks like a great time. Good old fashion exercise at its best!

  16. LOL
    Vivi looks cute even with all that mud (poor washer, though... if it could speak... lol)

  17. Honey, where are you?
    Worried minds want to know.

  18. Is there a reason fenders aren't on mountain bikes??
    Is it too dangerous to get caught on something?

    That precious smiling face should have a Nike caption--just do it!

  19. Checking in on you Trixie.

    Everything OK up there in the way, way north?

    I miss you.

  20. Gosh she's dirty! Bet it was fun, tho.

  21. Where ARE you???? I miss you. xo Marianne

  22. Where are you. Are you on an overseas holiday or something?

  23. cool article.

