Thursday, July 03, 2008

Really, She Does Make Noise!

Sorry for the technical glitch on the last try. This is the musk ox momma calling to her cute baby. When I heard her at the zoo, my back was turned and I could not believe until I actually saw her make this noise that it was the musk ox. Check her out, I am sure you will be amazed.


  1. I'm sure baby thinks mama's voice is soft and sweet. I lov mama's tongue poking out when she calls.

    I think Mama's friends should chip in and send her to the beauty shop. She could use a good shampoo, conditioner and comb out!

  2. Still wouldn't want one of these in my back yard! LOL

  3. Lynne -- I noticed the tongue, too! And what I would give to get some of her qiviut. Such a warm, soft fibre to work with.

    Monarch -- this is one large mammal in Alaska that does not frequent my backyard.

  4. That's one big shaggy mamma.
    Most interesting. Did the baby come when called?

  5. Good grief. She sounds like a lion!

    What's the word on Zoey's friend/teammate?

  6. I would not want to tangle with that momma in a dark alley.

  7. Hey Trixie,
    I was thinking qiviut the same as you!

    You're going to show us a picture of the baby too, right??

  8. I thought about this beast last week as I was washing a gigantic woolen rug in the upstairs tub!

    I think the care instructions must have said "professionally clean only"--however, I am one to always try the EASY way first! :-)
