If birds could be awarded medals, this one would get a medal for bravery. He is feeding on the suet feeder that was knocked down by the wind. There was very little action at the feeders today. I hope all these little guys have safe harbour in the hemlocks.
I have shown you so many pictures of gorgeous sunsets and alpenglow, lovely snowfalls, and many critters. This is the flip side.
To live at 2200 feet above sea level and above Anchorage there is a price to pay. For all the gorgeous sunsets we put up with extremes in weather. Right now we have a big front coming at us from the Gulf of Alaska. It is warm and wet and strong. It hits Prince William Sound and gets funneled through the mountain passes. The above picture is from the corner of our lot, looking up the road. It is beginning to drift in. Normally you would see Flattop Mountain and up Rabbit Valley. This photo is unretouched, no photoshopping. It is VERY hard to capture a picture of wind.
This photo was taken from nearly the same spot as the lovely sunset of two days ago. Yes, that is the same view.
The weather service folks tell us to expect some gusts to 80mph this evening. This is actually not too bad a storm.
The chickadees will do anything to find food! Wow, that is some storm with 80mph winds! WOW You are brave!
Chickadees are one of my favorites to watch. I can't imagine 80MPH winds...stay safe!
What does 80mph wind sound like?
Stay warm and take care. There is something equally beautiful about the grey, heavy skies and the wind. I'm sure it makes you thankful to have a warm place to sleep.
And I'm with you - those birds deserve some sort of award.
YIKES, Trixie!! That little chickadee does look a kinda windblown when I look closer at the picture. I bet you really appreciate a day when the wind doesn't blow....
Tie yourself down, girl!
Chickadees are a lot tougher than they look.I hope to visit Alaska some day, but I guess it has its bad points too.
Hang on tightly, Trixie! My goodness - I can see your winters are very challenging.
Chickadees are very tough little birds - no need to worry about them!
Keep us posted on that storm, please?
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