For your enjoyment. I had one really tenacious Boreal Chickadee at the suet feeder yesterday. The winds blew in a small front that is now bringing us a little snow. Enjoy. Disclaimer: On my computer this video is NOT sideways. I have tried five times to get this thing to upload correctly. Apparently, Blogger thinks this is correct. Who am I to argue. So, tilt you head. If that hurts, tilt you monitor. Sorry folks.
My sister has been in town from Bellbrook, Ohio. She is thinking of moving back up. I am encouraging her. It would be great to have her around. My girls just adore her. She is looking at want-ads, websites of employers and real estate. Keep your fingers crossed.
I am making my plan for next week so I am not running around like a crazy lady. I have guests coming for Thanksgiving. I need a plan! I will still, at some point, be a crazy lady, but my plan should minimize that. I also like to do surgical strike shopping, get in, get out; preferrably with very few other folks in the store, usually about ten o'clock at night, on my way home from work, with no children.
This is all on top of fixing myself. We were rear-ended on Sunday. Oh joy! Tell me what parent allows their seventeen-year-old kid to drive a bunch of his friends 2200 feet up a mountain to illegally snowboard on private property during the first snowstorm of the year? And bonus, he did not have studs on his tires. Sheesh! The accident could have been worse. He hit us while we were stopped at an intersection, we were not pushed into traffic. Zoey and I are the only ones sore. It really could have been worse. And I will feel better when I can get a full night's sleep.