The girls and I had a lovely luncheon at the Egan Center in downtown Anchorage. We got to attend the YWCA Women of Achievement Awards. My friend, Lupe, was being inducted as a Women of Achievement. I was so honored to be invited to attend! Vivi felt like such a grown-up. Lupe has made sure that Zoey is a Woman of Achievement in training. Lupe is the girls godmother and is such a great role model to them both, and an incredible mentor to Zoey. And thank you to Lupe's husband, Kelly, for the photo. All mine were blurry.
She is obvously a good choice for a godmother. Congrads to Lupe.
Congrats to Lupe...I've never seen that name before. What a wonderful role model for your girls. So glad you had a photo to post. Your girls look like they really love this woman. She must be very special.
Oh and I tagged you.
Aww--such a sweet photo! Love the little smiles on the girls' faces.
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