Friday, July 13, 2007


Tom and Zoey went dipnetting at the mouth of the Kenai River yesterday. It was a slow day fishing. Zoey caught one silver salmon. It was DELICIOUS! On the walk back to the car, the paparazzi caught up with them. Check it out here.


Mary said...

That is so cool! You are all a bunch of celebrities!

RuthieJ said...

That's a lot of gear to carry for fishing! I don't suppose the paparazzi offered to give them a hand?

Anonymous said...

how cool it made the front page! Bravo!

Susan Gets Native said...

How cute!
Is dip fishing just like it sounds?

entoto said...


Dipnetting is standing in the river in chest waders, with an enormous net and catching what comes. You can also do it from a drifting boat in certain places. It is a blast. They were there on a slow day. The next few days should be tremendous. There are about 100,000 fish schooling around the mouth of the Kenai River right now waiting for their perfect tide or their hormones to swim from salt to fresh and lay their eggs.