Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Holy Crime Spree, Batman!

My friends gave us a subscription to a really great magazine for Christmas. It makes me feel like I am not totally square in all my momma-tude, that there is a shred of the cool coed still around (I really never was "cool," I just want to think I was). Paste comes with a compilation disc each month. There are some tracks I don't care for, but there are always a few keepers. I have discovered some interesting stuff in the last year. I look forward to my subscription arriving each month.

Now, we live about three miles away from our mailbox. And since Oxycotin-eyed Joe was regularly ripping off stuff out of our mail box, we have had a lock on it for a few years now. So, our packages have been arriving unmolested, our mail is no longer found scattered and wet in the ditch, no one has tried to use those cheesy credit card checks anymore. That is until now.

On Monday, October 1st, Tom came home with the mail. In it was our September issue of Paste, sans disc! First off, on October 1st I should be getting the October issue. Secondly, I should also be getting my disc. And as a finesse point, my magazine should really not look like it has been sitting in someone's bathroom being read by someone else! I would maybe shrug this off if it were not the second month this has happened.

I believe someone at the post office is pulling a small, inside job. Any suggestions?


Lori said...

Complain at the post office (without making any accusations) and see what they're willing to do to appease you. Also, if you contact the magazine's customer service department, they may send you another copy if you tell them yours arrived damaged (and late.) At least, that's been my good fortune in the past with such things. :)

RuthieJ said...

Oh-oh, Trixie, now I'm worried....did you get your grape jelly yet?? I sent it last Saturday.

entoto said...

No worries, Ruthie! It arrived TODAY, after the post. The hat is lovely. I think I have to arm wrestle Zoey for it. She is sure it fits her better. We shall see! And there will be wild grape jelly on toast in the morning.

Susan Gets Native said...

We had problems with our post office when we noticed that certain mail (i.e. Geoff's PAYCHECKS from magazines) were not arriving. I went down and raised unholy HELL and we haven't had a problem since.
Call the magazine and have them send you another copy and then complain to the post office. Make them scared of you. That always seems to work for me.
: )

Julie Zickefoose said...

That is just too low, to take the CD out of Paste. We love that magazine. What I don't get is how you could have enough aesthetic sense to enjoy the music in Paste, and still be enough of a creep to rip off someone's copy. Blaaa. It'd be like stealing someone's binoculars.