The night before last we had a bit of wind. Do you see the drifting under the feeder? The wind and snow eddies right in front of our door. When Tom opened the door yesterday morning, the drift at his feet was up to his thigh.

The wind embedded the snow in every empty space in this feeder. I had to clean it out and load it back up.

The wind also scattered seed from the more exposed feeder. The Redpolls seemed to really like the ground feeding instead of waiting in line.

The wind seemend to make the birds more frenetic and active. I think it even doubled their numbers!

The seed even scattered to the end of the driveway, and the Redpolls found it.

Coming home from piano lessons we got to see about forty ravens playing in a thermal on their way to the night roost. This is just a look at them flying away.
Wow, look at all those redpolls on the ground! If you hadn't said they were birds, I would think they were leaves because there's so many of them!
Have fun cleaning all the snow out of your feeders (I hate it when that happens too!)
What a great post! So cool! Thanks for the ravens -- sigh! I love them birds! :)
So many redpolls, WOW! Glad the wind didn’t do much more damage!
Thanks for sending the eagle essay to Ruthie J who then sent it to me. They do such good work at the TLC in Anchorage.
You sure get the white stuff, Trixie. Your redpolls are sweet. I hope you keep them in supply...I'm sure you will. Must be tough on birds up there.
It amazes me that small birds can survive through snow and cold.
Looks like you have a good amount of snow this year.
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