Remember Cojo and her Kong?

Remember how it got hung up in the power lines across the street this summer?

We were mobbed by over 200 Redpolls this morning. They were everywhere. I do wonder why the kong became such a prized perch?

Isn't that strange? Any ideas?
I have no idea Why Kong, but it makes for some very interesting bird watching!
Oh, I wasn't reading your blog when the Kong tragedy happened but that is the saddest picture. Poor doggers!
I love the Redpoll on Kong photos though. Amazing!
That's so cute Trixie! I wonder too why the redpolls like that Kong so much?
Mybe they thought it was a birdfeeder. At first when I saw cojo and Kong I thought I was reading the Sci-fi network.I thought I was reading about Cujo-the rabid Saint Bernard in the Stephen King book and King Kong.At any rate-I would be excited to see so many Redpolls having fun with whatever that thing is.
O my, this is such a great post and I also think maybe they thought it was a feeder! Guess you know where to hang your next feeder once you get kong down!
Was it stuffed with peanut butter before getting flung up there?
I was wondering if they thought it was a feeder, too. Too bad if they did! There was no peanut butter in it even in June. Just dog slobber.
We used to put peanut butter in Cojo's kong. Maybe there is some residual taste left?
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